Canon EOS R7 + RF50mmF1.2L
GoPro HERO10
夕日の鎌倉高校前で、たくさんの人々の中でもひときわ目立っていたChinese GAL✨✨🥰。スタイルは抜群で、どこから見てもとてもキュートでした🥰!彼女のちょっとシャイな雰囲気がとても素敵で、その控えめな笑顔が夕日に照らされて、さらに魅力的に見えました✨。一緒にいたメンズの皆さんもすごくかっこよく、みんなで過ごす楽しい時間が伝わってきました🌟。彼らの仲の良さと笑い声が、周りの人々にも自然と笑顔を運んでいたようです。
At the sunset-lit Kamakura High School front, a Chinese GAL stood out even among the crowd✨✨🥰. Her style was impeccable, and she looked incredibly cute from every angle🥰! Her slightly shy demeanor was so charming, and her modest smile, illuminated by the sunset, made her even more captivating✨. The guys with her were also really cool, and you could feel the fun they were having together🌟. Their camaraderie and laughter naturally brought smiles to everyone around.
This was her second trip to Japan, and I hope she can fully enjoy Japan to create even more wonderful memories next time✨. Her love and curiosity for Japan will surely make her journey even more special. During the shoot, her gentle presence and bright energy made for such a fun and memorable time! I’m truly grateful to have shared this wonderful encounter and these joyful moments👃👃👃. I look forward to the day we can experience such happy moments again!