
Canon EOS R7 + RF50mmF1.2L
GoPro HERO10


ノリが良くて素敵なお兄さんたちを撮影させていただきました🙂。朝から元気いっぱいで、楽しそうに過ごしている姿がとても印象的でした!同じ銘柄のタバコを持っているくらいに仲の良いお二人で、言葉だけでなくその雰囲気からも絆の深さが伝わってきました。お互いに気配りを忘れず、自然体でおしゃれなスタイルが素敵でした🌟。撮影を通じてお二人の楽しい一面を引き出すことができて、私もとても楽しませていただきました! 本当にありがとうございました🌟

I had the pleasure of photographing two amazing guys with great energy this morning 🙂. They were full of life and their fun, lively attitude really left an impression on me! They were so close that they even had the same brand of cigarettes, which really showed the depth of their bond. You could feel their connection not only through their words but also through their relaxed, stylish vibe. Both were thoughtful and at ease with each other, making them even more admirable. I had a fantastic time capturing their fun sides during the shoot, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity! Thank you so much for everything 🌟